Our sports massage escorts In Munich are ready to solve your problems professionally. The sports massage is a fairly strong massage, which massages the serious tissue of your muscles. As an impact, characteristic complaints like back pain, stuck shoulders, channels, and knots in your muscles are attacked virtually.
If you suffer from muscle soreness after exercise, it is better to wait a few days until you get a sports massage. This provides your muscles a chance to heal by itself. As a consequence, your muscles become stronger and improve your wellness. A deep sports massage disrupts this natural rally. For muscle soreness after movement remedy, we suggest our Stress Relief Massage. A softer massage will make your muscles recover faster after training.
We connect our sports massage in Munich with aromatherapy and organic tea. Specially for this message we have completed a special massage oil, based on an old relative recipe from the Thai owner Prakay. This oil is made from a 100% genuine product and possesses no artificial additives. Our homemade Tigerpower Oil provides deep warmness and tingling freshness for overworked muscles. It is made from Eucalyptus, Cajeput, Peppermint, Clove, and White Camphor on a ground of Sweet Almond Oil and Grapeseed Oil. These oils deliver an expansion in your muscles, improve circulation of your muscles, and run up the rally of your body. Besides being a vital and practical massage oil, this oil is likewise super good for your skin.
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